Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Classic Rereads: Alistair (series) by Marilyn Sadler, illustrated by Roger Bollen

Aliens! Monsters! Lost Library Books!

Alistair is a Very Good Little Boy. He's always clean, always on time, always organized. He always knows just what to do. Which is good, because this Very Good Little Boy ends up in some straaange situations. Only Alistair, on his way to return library books, would get kidnapped by aliens! (Fortunately, he's an excellent navigator and gets them all home safely). Only Alistair would end up with an elephant, find previously unknown monsters while scuba diving, or be able to deal with an alien invasion.

The completely insane situations contrasted with Alistair's consistently deadpan face and Very Good Behavior, will keep you giggling all the way through!

Verdict: Although these books are older, they're not at all outdated. Great fun if you find a used copy or buy the still in print paperback.

Revisited: Sadly, even the paperbacks are out of print now. I still find these hilarious and some shiny new editions, possibly with minor updates to the font choices, would be sure to appeal to school age kids who still enjoy funny picture books.

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