Saturday, March 28, 2020

This week at the library; or, Week 2 of the pandemic

I've been quilting this week.
I had already planned to take this week off - it's spring break before everything became spring break. A lot of people asked me if I planned to change my plans and... no? Because my plans were to stay home, read, sew, and maybe do some laundry. I might have gone to the zoo, which is now closed, but then again I might not have done it anyways!

I did keep in email contact with work and my staff. Some of my staff are working from home and some (my teen aides) were not scheduled or were sent home when we closed completely on Wednesday 25th. Lots of stress and worry about staff getting paid or not.

I'm not sure what will be on my blog going forward - I have plenty of books to read and review, but I'll be working from home for a month and may be tech-d out for a while (I read, review, and blog on my own time, never at work, so I might not have the bandwidth after spending all day on my computer at home for work). I will get to everything eventually, but I might be posting some older reviews for a while or something.

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