Saturday, July 2, 2011

This week at the library; or, Goodbye June!

  • Phew, no programs today! It was actually pretty calm. Just four hours on the desk, staff meeting, and what was supposed to be a brief project overview with my intern which turned into a lengthy reader's advisory session b/c of all the kids and parents wandering around (-:) I even made it home by 5! Mostly b/c I left in disgust at 4:45 when Amazon gaily deleted the 50 item order I was about to send.
  • Another morning on the desk, pretty busy since I didn't make it in until 8:45 (I like to be at least 30 minutes early when I open) but I managed to rebuild the Amazon order and get it sent, but not before discovering I had somehow calculated my av budget incorrectly and I have $300 less than I thought I had, so I had to take a lot of stuff off my list and now I'm planning for really miniscule av orders for the rest of the year. My teen volunteer came and was very helpful, although our expected large crowds did not show up for our Storywagon performer - we only had 50 people. I don't think people are as interested in a storyteller as in the "high profile" people like magicians or live animals. On the bright side, we didn't have a lot of people showing up 30 minutes late and being upset because of the time mistake I made (which I found out 30 minutes before the program was in the paper incorrectly as 1:30 instead of 1:00.) More work with volunteers, lots of drama with some...less-than-mentally-stable patrons, managed to get most of my Thursday program written up, drove over to the next town to get the rental car I'm driving to Chicago tomorrow, back to work to process new books and work on flannels, home by 5:45 and starving, since Tuesdays don't really allow time for lunch.
  • Up at 4:30am for drive through Chicago (bonus points for anyone who has figured out what my extracurricular activities are...) Stuff happened...made it back and dropped off my rental car with time to change my clothes but not time to eat unfortunately before setting up for Lego Building Club, 65 people, then an evening on the desk and home for the first food since last night's dinner...trail mix doesn't count!
  • Preschool Interactive is still going well, I invited a couple older kids in to join in our art project (they had taken the morning off of summer school and "thought it would be fun" to visit the library!) My flannel pieces for Bateman's The Frog With the Big Mouth were kind of awkward b/c I really needed a second person to put them on and hold them up. I need more velcro! We had about 20 people, so I was happy.

  • Popped by the middle school early to pick up our poster with summer flyers - summer school is out for a week, so I'll have time to redo it with new flyers.
  • Covered toddler storytime for Miss P, who was leaving early for a family vacation. We only had a few people, just 17, as opposed to our usual 30-50. Unfortunately, our construction on a neighboring street is in full swing and "Senior Travel" which meets the first Friday of every month has chosen not to meet elsewhere this summer, so there was literally no parking, which parents weren't happy about. Several people were planning to leave right away on camping trips, and I gleefully exhausted their children so they would sleep right away! We had one little kid who basically screamed the whole time, but I just raised my voice. His older brother didn't want to go out, his mom didn't want to take him into our workroom, and as a sub I just let it go.
  • We started out dancing to Funky Mama's cd Moo Juice, the song Pop 'n' Hop, then we did Elizabeth Mitchell's Sunny Day which I have made motions to that involve moving up and down several times and turning in circles. Then we read The Wide-Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner (pop up version), sang Five Green and Speckled Frogs using the flannel board and standing and clapping. Then we did Scott Fischer's Jump, crouching down and jumping every other page. Then we did "Hop Hop Little Froggies". Then we did Ethan Long's The Croaky Pokey. I was soaked in sweat by the time we finished and ready for a nap! The kids were ready to make the craft Miss P left, some kind of Uncle Sam with glue, streamers, etc.
  • A little desk time, and the day is over!

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