Saturday, June 22, 2019

This week at the library; or, Summer week 2

What's Happening This Week
This is what happens if you ask my awesome library kids
if they like snakes!
  • Weather continues unseasonably cold, and we are swamped, even with summer school starting this week.
  • Note to self, do not plan involved maker workshop after snakes. Must have extra time for playing with snake friends. Didn't get any lunch, but had excellent programs.
  • The weather is not cooperating, had to move kindergarten field trip to the school.
  • On Thursday everyone suddenly disappeared and only about 15 people dropped in for chalk and bubbles. But I didn't have time/materials as planned out as I want so it was just as well. The kids who came had fun mixing salt and chalk, alka-seltzer, and playing with bubbles.
  • Snakes and 80 kindergarteners seemed like a good idea earlier in the summer... they were reasonably calm and enjoyed touching everything, especially the super-chill guinea pig. Note to self - select larger child to hold the skink next time, I think it's been dropped (or gotten close to it) every time. Nobody showed for the art program - turned out there were a couple families in the library who didn't realize it was across the hall and the school that was scheduled to come didn't get their bus fixed in time. One family came and enjoyed watercolors and took all the books home to read! Also just as well b/c the schedule had gotten crossed and we had to turn the room over super quick for an author visit.
  • Left my associate in charge of teens after hours and all 20+ teens seemed to be having a reasonable amount of more-or-less safe fun. There's a D&D program tomorrow that my associate is helping with, but I'm done!

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