Thursday, November 9, 2023

Chimpansneeze by Aaron Zenz

Originally published in 2009, The Hiccupotamus was a goofy rhyming story, featuring Zenz' glowing colored pencil illustrations, following a series of mishaps caused by a hiccupping hippopotamus and ending with a silly cast list to add some humor for adults reading aloud the story.

Fast forward many years and a number of other books, and Zenz returns to his goofy jungle with a new rhyming story, this time featuring a bright red chimpanzee with an uncontrollable sneeze. The rhymes have an exuberant swing that makes this a fun read-aloud without being quite the tongue-twister that the first book was. "Then the kinkajou flew into the blue... all because of the CHIMPANSNEEZE./The kinkajou neared an elephant,/who was painting a purple gate./'Look out below!' yelled the kinkajou,/but he shouted a bit too late."

Zenz' art has the same rich colors he always presents, with vivid yellows, rich browns, and waving purple spikes of bushes. Purple paint flies, the original purple hippo makes an appearance with a bright yellow mustard bottle, a bulbous pink poodle sprays pink shampoo and bubbles everywhere, Finally the story comes full circle, with the chimpansneeze reunited with the kinkachoo, much to the exasperation of the mustard and paint-bedaubed creatures.

Readers will want to revisit the original book and they will happily be able to do so, since the original hardcover is still in print. Doing so will allow them to compare the new "cast bios" with the original and giggle over the reappearance of favorite characters and some sly allusions to changing technology.

Verdict: Sometimes you just need a fun rhyming book for storytime, with a refrain that everyone can join in with. Be ready for lots of kinkachoos and chimpansneezes and don't forget to remind kids to cover their mouths when they sneeze, be they furry, feathered, or smooth-skinned!

ISBN: 9781662518225; Published November 2023 by Two Lions; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library; New copy of Hiccupotamus ordered!

1 comment:

Z-Kids said...

Thanks for this lovely review Jennifer!