Tuesday, February 8, 2022

In short, I am busy: Maker Workshop: Sculpey Clay

Resources and Display Titles
  • I remind everyone to use small pieces, both because it's easier to bake and because Sculpey is expensive. I give a rundown of the properties of Sculpey and then people create on their own.
  • 1-22
    • Attendance: 30ish
    • Notes: Been a while since I did this - definitely needed to remind the kids to use small amounts and I need to get regular modeling clay for the really little kids who just crumble it.
  • 8-2-18
    • Attendance: 22
    • Notes: I swear I did this last year, I must have forgotten to write it up. Or maybe I didn't. Anyways, I didn't have enough clay this time - I'd forgotten how much they use. I reminded them to use foil bases and this group was mostly a lot more imaginative and came up with stuff on their own. I also used the teen kit as well (which now needs more clay)
  • 7-8-16
    • Attendance: 20
    • Notes: I need more paring knives and more printed samples. Children have no imagination.

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