Saturday, January 19, 2019

This week at the library; or, Let all the things happen, let them flow over you, don't panic!

From Book Explosion. One of
these is edible... can you tell which?
What happened at the library
Projects I worked on this week:
  • Big social issues unit for school - I'm excited to update and add to the list I've been putting together for the teachers, as well as request and process multiple copies of the books. (399 holds in two days! Record! May have gone slightly overboard...)
  • Meeting with my staff and school colleague to discuss the Walmart grant I received for purchasing sensory-friendly toys for the Storyroom. Also planning the big party in April.
  • Trying to get in a quick weed of juvenile fiction before the book sale on Thursday before starting back on picture books.
  • 18 middle school and high school students came to Book Explosion! Probably because there were cupcakes and lots of sugar. We also had polymer clay.
  • Prepping for several upcoming programs and presentations as well as looking at a couple grants coming up soon.
  • Finally ordering replacements and new materials for the kits that have been piling up behind my desk.
  • Tons of snow Friday night! I came in early and shoveled some walkways.

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