Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Read, Read, Read, said the Baby: In my heart by Mackenzie Porter, illustrated by Jenny Lovlie

A dark-skinned woman with black hair sings a song of love to her child when they are separated during the day, her child to daycare and she to work.

When her toddler asks what Mama does, she answers that, after their morning routine of breakfast and hugs, and after she drops her child off at daycare, she thinks about them all day long. "Though we're not together, we're never truly apart/because you're always on my mind and you're always in my heart."

Colorful pictures and swirling, black text shows the mother thinking about her child as she listens to their favorite music on her way to work, peeking at pictures when she's in a meeting, and eating a lunch that reminds her of her child at daycare.

At the end of the day, Mama picks up her child, takes them home for a bath and story, and sings a final lullaby. The moments when she sings are illuminated with rainbows, flowers, and sunshine.

Verdict: The text and rhymes are clunky and uneven and the story is too text-heavy for a toddler. However, this may be a comforting choice for parents who struggle leaving their child at daycare or for an older child who has separation anxiety it may serve a similar purpose as books like The Kissing Hand.

ISBN: 9781534454330; Published March 2020 by Little Simon; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library

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