Saturday, May 2, 2020

This week at the library; or, Week 7 of the pandemic

Squirrel plotting against me
We officially started curbside pick-up on Monday, but we have been fielding calls, requests, and more starting last week. I have enough recordings to get me through May and am going to call a halt to those until I can produce them with a colleague and better equipment. My main projects this week:
  • Handling RA requests through my online form and email.
  • Organizing SRP, activity, and storytime bundle bags.
  • Preparing Library on the Go materials for a future outreach program with our school's food service.
  • Organizing and planning virtual programs and resources
  • Adding to and updating online virtual reader's advisory, especially on Pinterest
  • Started working on getting our circulating toys and maker kits safely back in circulation.
Daily Record
  • Monday
    • 1-5 on the information desk, 5-7 working at the library (suitably distanced from staff)
  • Tuesday
    • Work from home on projects listed above.
  • Wednesday
    • 8-9 at the library, prep for opening, 9-1 on the information desk
  • Thursday
    • Work from home on projects listed above
  • Friday
    • 1:30 managers' meeting, work from home.
  • Saturday
    • Went into work for a couple of hours. I realized that I needed to get in before the week started to have everything ready for Monday.

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