Monday, September 7, 2020

A rainbow of rocks by Kate DePalma

Budding geologists and lovers of all things sparkly will be delighted with this gem of a picture book.

The black end pages are decorated with a sparkling variety of rocks, crystals, and gems. The book introduces a variety of minerals by their colors, with a simple sentence explaining an attribute of each item. Red claystone is "crumbly and crushable" while red ruby is "near unbreakable." Additional minerals, copper and iron, tinge sunstone and citrine with orange hues. The final colors compare black obsidian and basalt and then the sparkling rainbow hues of labradorite and bornite. The final page ends the cheerful rhyming sentences with "Rocks in every shape and hue. Each one's different, just like you!"

Back matter includes simple question and answer paragraphs about minerals, rocks, and the materials in the book. Readers are encouraged to compare and contrast them, ask questions about how they look, feel, and can be changed, and their colors. A geologist is acknowledged for his assistance in creating the book and there is copyright information for the photographs.

Verdict: A great read-aloud for storytime, this would be fun for a rock and crystal storytime, or a unique look at colors.

ISBN: 9781782859864; Published May 2020 by Barefoot books; Borrowed from another library in my consortium; On order for my library

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