Sunday, November 1, 2020

This week at the library; or, The last week of October

 I don't know whether I'm sad that we can't have our all-day slime extravaganza or not... somewhat exhausting week, getting stuff in order for next week when I'm gone on vacation (lest you think this is exciting, I intend to spend a week at home catching up on reviews, planting all my bulbs, reorganizing my apartment, and doing virtual Bookaneers and a manager's meeting from home). Organizing virtual November visits, planning the winter reading program, and dealing with widely varying traffic patterns in the library. No people. No people. ALL THE PEOPLE. And hundreds of school holds. The long-suffering circulation staff pulled literally hundreds of picks for my winter reading promos and school holds - they had to get an extra table to hold them all! - and I can only hope that the table in the lobby with the processed and boxed holds does not collapse under the weight!

October programs and take-home activities

16 hours on desk; approximately 16 hours remote work

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