Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Walloos' Big Adventure by Anuska Allepuz

  Allepuz' picture book Little Green Donkey was a huge hit with storytimes last year, with my colleague using it with multiple preschool classes as well. So I was quite excited to see another book with her colorful style.

The Walloos are small creatures in shades of pink and orange. Their family consists of Big Walloo, Spotty Walloo, Old Walloo, and Little Walloo. They live an idyllic life, eating plants, building things, and telling stories. Inspired by Old Walloo's stories of tropical islands, they set out on an adventure.

When they land on a beautiful tropical island, Big Walloo is immediately absorbed in building multiple boats while Spotty Walloo starts creating an endless stream of cakes. Old Walloo and Little Walloo think there might be something funny about the island, but nobody is listening to them so they wander and collect seeds.

Then one day the island moves and they make a startling discovery about "their" tropical island and what it truly means to share and protect the bounty they use all around them.

Allepuz' art in this book reminds me of Roger Duvoisin at his most colorful; lush greens, textured blues, and bright spots of pink, orange, yellow, and purple fill the pages as the Walloos explore and travel. Although there's a strong lesson about sharing, conservation, and being mindful of others' needs woven throughout the story, it's also just a fun story with a repetitive rhythm that will hold children's attention and delightful artwork. My only quibble is that some of the text is difficult to read, being placed against textured or dark backgrounds.

Verdict: Another excellent storytime choice from Allepuz, this would make a nice addition to a storytime on sharing or caring for our communities.

ISBN: 9781536215311; Published July 2021 by Candlewick; Review copy provided by publisher

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