Sunday, August 28, 2022

This week at the library


  • Presentation at new staff orientation
  • Sunset Camp library visit
  • LOTG/school visit to childcare facility
I was almost done with my big weeding/relabeling project in the neighborhoods. And then Baker and Taylor went down. And we have a book sale at the end of September and have halted withdrawals. So now I just have two giant carts of books that need replacement - I even have the money, given to me by the Friends! It's very frustrating. I've been cleaning off my desk, taking care of minor projects, prepping for programs, moving things around a bit, updating our Pinterest pages, etc. I covered some extra shifts for colleagues and went home early on Friday with a bad sinus headache. So, that was my week.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I have a list of books that I would like to order from Baker and Taylor as well ! So frustrating but I'm sure they are dealing with a lot more frustration on their end.