Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Let's go puddling! by Emma Perry, illustrated by Claire Alexander

So, I loved this book but, and you will probably never hear me say this again, it would have been just that much better if it had rhymed!

Splashy, multi-media illustrations are the perfect medium for enjoying a rainy day in this charming picture book. It opens with a black child, dog, and mom, looking out their apartment window at a gloomy, rainy day in the city. "Clouds gather, skies darken, rain falls, puddles appear. Let's go!" The refrain of "Let's go!" is repeated as two other families, a white dad and toddler and a white mom with preschooler and toddler, get ready to join them. They meet up outside and go to the park, where the three small children exuberantly splash in the puddles, sploosh in the mud, and watch the people hurrying by in the rain. Finally, cold and wet, they go back inside and everyone cuddles up on one family's couch to dry off.

This is adorable and sweet with delightful sploshing sounds all through. I would have liked a more rhyming or refrain-heavy text, to read aloud with young children, but this works. The cheerful community of diverse families is sweet as well.

Verdict: Perfect for a rainy storytime with toddlers, recommended for all library collections.

ISBN: 9781536228496; Published April 2023 by Candlewick; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library

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