Tweens and teens knitting at Project Explore |
- Paws to Read
- Family Storytime
- Teen Fandom Club
- Outreach storytimes (3 sessions)
- LOTG visit (after school wrap-around)
- We Explore Nature
- LOTG outreach (3 sessions)
- Project Explore
- Family Storytime
- Fact Finders
- Open Storyroom
I'm still tired and grouchy from covid and there was a lot of catch-up to do this week. I felt like crap on Wednesday, especially after plunging and mopping (it wasn't even successful plunging) and my awesome associate kindly did the Library on the Go outreach storytimes for me. Apparently it was miserably hot and muggy at the school, so I am doubly grateful to her!
Our storytime provider did some amazing work at storytimes this week, offering very innovative and fun hands-on programming. I had a great turnout for Project Explore and Fact Finders. We made slime at the latter and it was extremely messy and very little book discussion happened, but it was also super fun! Even with the breaks my voice is still pretty rough; I had hoped to take a little time off this week since I'd done a lot of work while I was sick last week, but things kept happening so it didn't really work out that way and I ended up working more!
We have a lot of interesting things to discuss and work on after our managers' meeting and some big changes coming up with the retirement of our long-time circulation manager.
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