Saturday, January 13, 2024

Be more dog: A tail of happiness by Caroline Crowe and Carlos Velez

 What could be more cheerful than a tail-wagging pup? A young child, with tan skin and a hearing aid, is distressed when their dad leaves for work. They decide to follow the example of their dog, Sam, a scruffy terrier mix, whose exuberance and joy in everyday moments is a "superpower."

Together the two smell the air, bake cookies with Granny, play at the park, share treasures, and stay happy and cheerful throughout all the little worries and troubles of the day. When Dad returns that evening, the child is delighted and tells him all about their day. The book ends with Granny, Dad, the child, and Sam splashing in the ocean and the thought "Sam has shown me that happiness is all around us. Sometimes you just have to be more dog to find it."

The illustrations are charming, with a variety of body types shown between the small family pictured and Sam especially is wonderfully and humorously drawn, showing his doggy delight in the small joys throughout the day. The child looks about 5 or 6 and their actions mimicking Sam are hilarious, jumping with their tongue out to catch a ball, splashing in  puddles, and accepting a slobbery "treasure."

I was a little puzzled at first why an older child would be upset by their parent leaving for work, which is surely a regular occurrence, but as I looked through the book and shared it with colleagues, I realized I liked that it was so general. Kids can see themselves in the story whether they're home sick from school, missing someone on a trip, or just feeling lonely that day.

Verdict: A stand-out doggy delight with a unique twist. This is sure to delight animal fans and adults looking for books about resilience and mindfulness alike. Recommended.

ISBN: 9781782508328; Published October 2023 by Floris Books; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to library

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