Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Scurry by Mac Smith

  Warrior fans and those who love tales of adventure starring animals will be delighted by this lush, thrilling graphic novel.

The story opens by introducing Wix, a small but brave mouse, and his rat friend Umf. The two are searching through abandoned houses for precious food, but all they find is danger, from poison, traps, and cats. The cats include a terrifying striped monster named Titan, who has a personal grudge against Wix. Meanwhile, back at the colony, Pict, a young white mouse, worries over their ailing leader, her father, and tries to convince the other mice that there's a better future in the dark and dangerous woods. Other mice, including the scheming Resher, are tired of trying to survive an everlasting winter and want to return to the city without regard for the weak, elderly, and ill they will have to abandon.

  As the drama unfolds, there is betrayal, secrets, and danger and Wix and Pict must each stand alone in their efforts to help each other and their colony. The woods hold a dark secret but also potential allies and they must face change, betrayal, and danger if they want their community to survive. Smith's art is realistic and cinematic, with black-bordered panels giving the illusion of stills from a film. The mice's beady black eyes give them a feeling of otherness, while their anthropomorphic movements and emotions make them relatable. Wix's dreams of fire are woven throughout the story, climaxing with the destruction of their home and the warring mice who cared more for themselves than the community as a whole. The story ends with a sense of peace and hope, as the mice look forward to a better future, while still acknowledging that their lives are short, compared to the other animals.

Verdict: Back matter includes themes, characters, and questions, making this a great choice for book clubs or classroom discussion. It's also a stand-out in the currently somewhat repetitive field of middle grade graphic novels, offering a familiar storyline in a very attractive format. The bulky paperback is available in prebound edition through my vendor, Baker & Taylor, and is likely to be worth the extra cost as it will surely be read to pieces! Recommended.

ISBN: 9781534324367; Published February 2023 by Skybound; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library

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