Sunday, January 28, 2024

This week at the library

  • Itty Bitty Bopping Bakers
  • Paws to Read
  • Family Storytime
  • Pokemon Club
  • Winter Wigglers
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Family Storytime
  • Volunteer Fun
  • Wild Winter Wisconsin Web conference - presenting
  • Manager's meeting
  • Supply orders (didn't get to it last week)
  • Request book club titles
  • Job posting
  I started this week with a dentist's appointment, so I didn't expect much of it. It got very slushy and RAINED. I do not approve of this kind of weather in JANUARY. 
  I'm back with D&D with a partner from the adult department - I don't really enjoy running games, unless it's with very specific kids, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! I gave up my Family Craft Night to do this instead - it's more important to our Board and there's a dedicated group of kids who are interested - and my teen associate really needed a break, as she's been doing it for the past several years. I spent a fair amount of time with my colleagues setting up a better format to deal with some issues with the players that had arisen last fall. We did a kind of registration and put in place rules about limiting attendees at the two tables we're able to run. We also have a board member who generously volunteered to come sit in and help out if needed. I shifted the time a little earlier, but also extended it. The one thing we forgot to do was put up the divider in the room, which I will remember next time, because it was very loud. Our director and adult svs librarian are taking turns and they run a more traditional game. I'm down for all monthly games this spring and do my own thing - I'm doing a spin-off of Superpowered animals.
  I presented at the Wild Wisconsin Winter Web conference on programming - "Better Than "Normal": Assessing and Adapting to Changing Programming Needs" and this and other recordings are now available. 
  I have a lot going on next week and I didn't quite finish my new book spotlight, but I'll hopefully get to it all eventually.

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