Monday, August 5, 2024

Cosmic Collisions: Asteroid vs. Comet by Dr. Marc J. Kuchner, illustrated by Matt Schu

mit Kids Press produces some really interesting books, although they don't all hit the mark. This is a short, less than 25 pages, chapter-book style narrative/expository nonfiction book narrating the collision of an asteroid and a comet. As the two speed towards each other, the book branches off to explore the composition of asteroids and comets, what has happened in previous impacts with the Earth and each other, and comparisons of the two phenomena. After the collision, readers get to see which scientific prediction came true and the results of the conclusion.

Short paragraphs are interspersed with artwork and fact boxes explaining various scientific terms. I was slightly confused that the Kuchner did not define a comet at the beginning of the book, as there was a simple explanation of an asteroid first thing. It's an interesting framing of two outer space phenomena, and various facts and scientific research are smoothly woven into the sports-style narration.

Verdict: This is simple enough for a fluent 3rd grader to read it and introduces a number of concepts in a clear, accessible way. A strong addition to nonfiction books on outer space. It's listed as a series, and I'd definitely be interested in further books along these lines, especially at this reading level and length.

ISBN: 9781536236637; Paperback on B&T for $4.40 (Reinforced $14.39)
Published April 2024 by mit Kids Press/Candlewick; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library

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