Friday, September 27, 2024

I want to read ALL the books by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

 One day, Hana, a black-haired girl with brown skin, has a question about raindrops. Her mom hands her a book and Hana gets her question answered... but she has a lot more questions! Hana decides to read ALL the books so she can mark off every question on her list, but the more she reads and learns, the more questions she has.

When she finishes all the nonfiction books in the house, she moves on to fiction. Then to the books in her friends' houses, including the dictionary. Her mom takes her to the bookstore, but they can't possibly buy ALL the books, so next they go to their small, local library. Hana quickly reads her way through that as well so they go to the big downtown library.

Hana, however, is panicked by the number of books she sees - she's never going to be able to read all of them, answer all her questions, and know everything! A wise librarian encourages her to enjoy what she reads and share it with others, and Hana starts a book club. She also learns to enjoy asking questions, even if she can't answer all of them, and recommending and sharing books with her friends and family.

On the surface, this is a funny book for voracious readers, but it's also a thoughtful look at deluge of information kids receive in modern times and how to pace yourself and accept your limitations.

Verdict: This is kind of a niche title - I think a lot of kids will ask why she didn't just Google her questions - but for voracious readers and those who struggle with the overflow of information, it's a very comforting and joyful celebration of reading.

ISBN: 9781481416306; Reinforced/Picture Book on Baker & Taylor for $15.19
Published September 2024 by Simon & Schuster; Review copy provided by publisher and donated to the library

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