Sunday, March 2, 2025

This week at the library

Small builder at Construction Hangout
  • Teen Homeschool Hangout
  • Paws to Read
  • Family Storytime
  • Teen Advisory Board
  • Family Storytime
  • Lakeland School (off-site)
  • Homeschool event
Self-Directed Activities
  • Read and Grow
  • Reading Explorer
  • What's in my body scavenger hunt
  • Construction Hangout
  • Homeschool Hangout
Meetings, Hosted events, etc.
  • Friends general meeting
  • Managers' meeting
  • My main project this week was writing my monthly report - a lot of things happened this month and I've been cogitating over some long-term changes and projects I want to focus on. I also wrote an additional report, which involved lots of staring at security cameras, estimating numbers, and reviewing traffic patterns in the library. I discovered that one area is really hard to estimate because the way the light reflects through the windows puts patrons into shadows! (No patron privacy was violated - I can't see that well, for one thing, to actually identify anybody, but really I was just looking at how people moved through different areas at different times.)
  • I am also finishing the neighborhoods project. I organized and purchased a lot of replacements last weekend, but I'm still working on this. I've also been shifting - a sweaty and frustrating project. I am DONE and will let the collection settle and then revisit it in April.
  • I spent funds from last year's Giving Tree that were still extant, attended our Friends general meeting to request funds for the picture book neighborhoods - specifically focusing on a couple areas that need significant outlay, and did a lot of other misc. things.
  • I just managed to finish updating the Read and Grow program, which has a lot of book lists that use the Neighborhoods, but I still need to update our Pinterest pages and order replacements.

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