Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The box turtle by Vanessa Roeder

When Terrance the box turtle is born, he's a little... different. Instead of a handsome black and green checked shell, he has... nothing. Just pink little butt cheeks! His parents quickly get over their surprise and fit him with a comfortable cardboard box. With his friend, a silent hermit crab, Terrance is happy with his box until he meets some mean box turtles who mock him.

Terrance leaves his shell behind and searches for something new. But each new box he finds, a mail box, a hatbox, a jack-in-the-box, has something wrong with it, no matter how fun it seems at first. Finally, his good friend offers her own shell and Terrance realizes that what his parents said is true - he's more than just a shell. He returns to the dump to get his old box back, but it's no longer the same old box. With the help of old and new friends, Terrance patches up and improves his box until finally it's just what he needs.

His new box isn't perfect and the mean turtles still tease him, but with old and new friends Terrance is happy to go on his way with his own, unique box.

The art shows subtle additions to the story, as in the facial expressions of the three mean turtles. The smallest one seems sad at her companions taunts and smiles happily when Terrance wins the day with is own unique style. The pudgy raccoon the two friends encounter at the dump quickly becomes a friend, and is the perfect match for a dainty hat turned down by Terrance. Terrance's hermit crab friend is decorated with a bandage box at the end, showing her skill at helping her friend heal.

Verdict: A sweet, gentle story about being proud of yourself and valuing friendship over outer appearance.

ISBN: 9780735230507; Published February 2020 by Dial; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library

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