Monday, March 23, 2020

Old Rock (is not boring) by Deb Pilutti

Smiling old rock sits patiently in a clearing. The other creatures and plants think it must be boring to be a rock, and talk about their own adventures, but Old Rock caps each story with their own adventures. Just as the hummingbird flies, so did Old Rock fly out of a volcano when the world was new. Beetle can climb to the top of a tree and see amazing things, but Old Rock has seen dinosaurs. Old Rock has traveled in glaciers, perched on mountains, and just like Tall Pine moves in the wind, Old Rock has rolled down hills and watched the world change around it.

Eventually, Old Rock sees a seedling grow to be Tall Pine and keep them company; spotted beetles wander by, hummingbirds stop to rest, and Old Rock is satisfied with their home. The other creatures agree that rocks aren't boring after all! A final page shows a timeline of comic panels with Old Rock and all the things it has seen and experienced.

The art is simple but attractive, with browns, greens, grays, and blues. Old Rock has a friendly smile and thoughtful eyes as it remembers all the different things it has experienced.

Verdict: An excellent addition to picture books on geology and earth science, but also a great read-aloud choice to encourage kids to listen to others and be more reflective and patient.

ISBN: 9780525518181; Published February 2020 by Putnam; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library

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