Saturday, March 21, 2020

This week at the library; or, Week one of the pandemic

activity kits and storytime bundles ready to be packed
All programs are cancelled. The library will be closing to the public on Tuesday. Floods of people on Monday stocking up on books, but nearly everyone was nice about it. I put out some extra crafts and things to take home. Did a major overhaul of all the school cards and scheduled FB posts.

Tuesday. Scheduled more FB posts, added a lot to our library Pinterest, especially stuff that's usually browsing. Put together storytime bundles, combination of my take home storytimes and book bundles. Craft bags to give the kids. Weeding project in the juvenile fiction.

Wednesday. Things are not improving, certainly not my sinus headache. Ugh. Packed more storytime bundles, worked a little on the juvenile fiction weeding, lots of meetings (with everyone standing far apart) and our curbside delivery has started picking up and was pretty busy in the last few hours I was on desk. I start working from home tomorrow.

Thursday. Working from home. Did a virtual outreach visit for MOPs, worked virtually with staff on website and other projects, lots of planning of projects for staff for next week while I am on break, working on collection development I took home, planning more storytime bundles for staff to distribute next week if needed. Ordering more audiobooks - this is throwing off all my circ numbers!

Friday. Working from home. Finishing orders of replacements, additional copies, and things to fill holds since we no longer have access to our neighbor libraries. Answering email requests from teachers and patrons for curbside delivery. Finishing some reader's advisory projects and posts for the future. More FB posts scheduled. Working on backlogs of collection development lists - some grant money I had been hoping for is probably not coming now, so I needed to rearrange some things. I went into work briefly to do a few things and set up materials for activity bags for next week. And that was my week.

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