Saturday, April 25, 2020

This week at the library; or, Week 6 of the pandemic

Toy bags being cleaned. I'm working on a
processing for safely circulating, quarantining,
and cleaning our maker kits and toys. It's turning
out to be complicated.
We are resuming curbside drop-off next week, on the 27th, and schools are officially closed through the end of the year. I and my staff raced to get SRP bags packed and distributed to the centers and schools we usually visit for outreach so they could be sent home with kids when they picked up their stuff the week of the 27th.

 - Drove out to one of my childcare centers early to drop off a box of SRP bags packed last weekend (by my mom). Back home, we had a managers' meeting virtually, then I went out again for my afternoon/evening at the library. I continued various weeding projects and worked on collecting and organizing materials (storytime bundles, activity kits, etc.) that need to be assembled for distribution.

 - Virtual board meeting for OPtions, our virtual/charter school (yes I see the irony). Starting a revamp of the lexile list.

 - sinus headache all day, kept working on various things though.

 - Virtual performance evaluation with my director, planning summer, Facebook posts, fiddling with the budget.

  • Errand to pick up materials for activity bags, went into work briefly, recording more stories.

 - Local holds were supposed to be turned on again today, so I kept a close eye on my email and Facebook for messages and requests.

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