Monday, April 27, 2020

Here we go digging for dinosaur bones by Susan Lendroth, illustrated by Bob Kolar

I feel bad because I received this book earlier, in February, and had hoped to have a review up in time for its release on March 3rd. However, life intervened. Anyways, I present it now and strongly encourage you to get it!

I'm not doing any major weeding or collection development in my picture books right now, but I have noted that I need more dinosaur books and, as always, more storytime books, preferably interactive ones. How often do you find all those things at once?

Cute cartoon pictures show a nicely diverse group of kids setting out on a dinosaur dig. To the tune of "Here we go round the Mulberry bush" readers and listeners can sing along as they go through all the actions of digging for fossils. They hike the trail, scan the ground, excavate, sift the dirt, package their finds, and take them back to the museum. Once there, they carefully clean the bones, study them, and put them together into an awesomely fierce T. Rex. The story ends with a picture imagining T. Rex in the forest, and a new group of scientists, two kids, setting out to dig for dinosaur bones. Helpful back matter gives examples of how to perform the actions in the book as you sing the song.

A second layer of story is included as well. Each page, in addition to the simple lyrics, includes a paragraph explaining what the paleontologists are doing in the pictures as they find, excavate, and study the fossils. Back matter for older readers and listeners gives more facts about dinosaurs and their modern descendants, the birds, and also identifies native animals shown in the dig site, which is based off of a real place in Montana.

Verdict: The only drawback to this book is that you'll be listening to renditions of "Here we go digging for dinosaur bones" over and over again, not to mention supervising many fossil digs in your backyard or park. Recommended.

ISBN: 9781623541040; Published March 2020 by Charlesbridge; Review copy provided by the publisher; Purchased for the library

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