Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dudley's Day at home by Karen Kaufman Orloff, illustrated by Renee Andriani

Small publisher Flashlight Press always has something goofy to delight readers and this classic "what happens when we're not at home" scenario gets my full approval.

Sam and his mom, both with tan skin and dark, curly hair, are leaving the house and Sam wonders what Dudley, their white terrier-mix dog does all day when they're not at home? As Sam and his mom go grocery shopping, she lists the things that Dudley does at home - eats, guards the house, and "does his business" out in the yard. But Sam's got a whole different picture of these activities, and it spreads across the page in hilarious detail, from Dudley in business suit with a crowded desk in the yard to elaborate games with the cat.
On their way home, Sam continues to wonder, "Mom, do you think Dudley wonders what WE do all day?" and the scenes shift to Dudley, settled at the table with newspaper and coffee, imagining Sam and his mom chasing squirrels, stretching on the carpet, and howling at the moon. In a sweet and goofy scene, Sam and Dudley are reunited and while his mom looks a little surprised at the leftovers from Dudley's day, like board games on the carpet - boy and dog are happy to be back together again.

Bright, cheerful cartoons contrast Sam and Dudley's days, in reality and imagination, and offer plenty of scope for extension activities. This makes a delightful storytime read, but teachers and parents will also find it a great choice for a writing or drawing prompt.

Verdict: A light and fun story, perfect for library and classroom use. Recommended for all library collections.

ISBN: 9781947277267; Published May 2020 by Flashlight Press; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library

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