Monday, September 21, 2020

You're invited to a moth ball: A nighttime insect celebration by Loree Griffin Burns, photographs by Ellen Harasimowicz

 Photographs of stunning moths decorate the title page, along with an invitation to a Moth Ball, in your backyard, right now.

The author speaks directly to the readers and listeners, with the photographs showing a group of children preparing for a celebration of moths. Readers learn some basic facts about these insects and then it's time to plan for the party. Supplies, including lights and some simple scientific materials, a sheet, and a recipe for snacks for the moths, are all shown and explained.

Once you are prepared, and understand how to attract and identify moths, it's time for a party! "Cavort. Observe. Take notes and draw what you see. Be gentle. Take some pictures if you like." Images of the children and close-ups of the moths are included.

More information about moths and moth balls follows, including the life cycle and a diagram of a typical moth, and more details on supplies and set-up. There is also an extensive author's note and photographer's note, glossary, and brief resources.

Verdict: Now I really want to have a moth ball as a program! This isn't a storytime read-aloud, but it's perfectly suited to introduce young elementary-age readers and listeners to the world of moths as well as a simple blueprint for home science projects or a library event. A bonus would be a study of the photography and techniques used.

ISBN: 9781580896863; Published April 2020 by Charlesbridge; Borrowed from another library in my consortium; On my library order list

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