Monday, October 4, 2021

Whale Fall Cafe by Jacquie Sewell, illustrated by Dan Tavis

  This unusual informational picture book is one I've been interested in checking out for a while and when I finally got it, it did not disappoint.

The endpages show a variety of whales, with cartoon smiles and grins, drifting across a plankton-rich sea. On the title page, a dead whale, eyes closed, body disintegrating, sinks to the floor of the ocean as a submarine manned by a fish shines a light into the darkness and small sharks zip away with chunks of carcass in their mouths. The book is narrated by Dr. Fish, a pink fish with tiny legs who is manipulating the submersible (and snacking on Famous Fish Crackers). She explains that words in the glossary are starred and introduces readers to the creatures that inhabit the very depths of the ocean - and often live on whale falls.

The book then flips to a vertical layout that demonstrates different types of whales, their sheer bulk, and the concept of a whale fall, a whale carcass falling to the floor of the ocean and providing food to a wide variety of creatures. The book flips back to a horizontal layout and readers learn about the different animals that eat the whale down to a skeleton, both as it falls and while it lies on the floor, from sharks to giant isopods. Once all that's left is the skeleton, creatures that eat bones appear, like osedax, or bone-eating snot worms, bacteria, and more. The remaining hollow bone remnants provide homes for anemones, corals, and more.

The book ends with a glossary, more facts about creatures mentioned in the book, and the scientific discovery of whale falls and their far-reaching effects. The cartoon-style illustrations are cheerful and mildly humorous, as is the text, but the primary interest is information, not a gross-out effect.

Verdict: This isn't the type of thing you'd read aloud in storytime, but it's perfect for young science-minded kids who want to learn more about ocean science, whales, or the ecosystems of the world. An unusual topic that is sure to be of interest to a wide variety of readers. Recommended.

ISBN: 9780884488484; Published April 2021 by Tilbury; Borrowed from another library in my consortium

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