Monday, April 18, 2022

In short, I am busy: We Explore Artist Melissa Sweet

Art Project Part 1: Collages

I encourage kids and parents to cut out words as well as pictures to create their collage.
  • Supplies
    • old magazines/recycled picture books/galleys
    • scissors, glue sticks
    • Watercolor paper, heavy cardstock, or thin cardboard
  • Books
    • Carmine a little more red
    • Easy as pie
    • Baabwaa and Wooliam
    • Rubia and the three osos
Art Project Part 2: Watercolors
I've used actual paint for this, but you get better (and less messy) watercolors with watercolor pencils if they're available.
  • Supplies
    • Watercolor pencils OR liquid watercolors
    • Water, paint brushes
  • 10-3-18
    • Attendance: 12
    • Notes: I only read one book - the group was just too disparate, a very tiny toddler, four year old, and a sixth grader!
  • 3-14-14
    • Notes: Ideally, I'd do the second half of this with watercolors, but I don't have any so we just used tempera paint. I was so tired this week I was thinking about using crayons or getting colored pencils instead, but I soldiered on! I would have liked to have a more thematic snack (like pie or berries or ice cream or something), but without an official assistant I felt that was too complicated. I think this was my BEST yet. A great group of kids and, most exciting to me, three families drove 30 minutes from another town specifically because someone had told them about this program!

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