Friday, September 6, 2024

Dream Submarine by Charlotte Gunnufson, illustrated by Cleonique Hilsaca

 This charming bedtime book takes readers on a lovely and informational journey across the oceans. A white child with a mass of curly brown hair and blue pajamas climbs into a small yellow submersible and sets out across the world in the "Dream Submarine." The pictures are colorful as the submarine passes through reefs and over sandy ocean floors, into the deep sea, past whales and down into the very darkest depths.

Most of the fish and other ocean creatures shown are listed by name, from bristle worms to loggerheads, red moki to sweetlips. The child fills their pockets with starry wishes from the sea and arrives back at the sandy beach, "to make a wish for every fish and each creature in the sea."

The back matter of this book expands on the story with a map of the oceans, a list of all the creatures seen in each ocean, and a list of ocean zones.

Verdict: This will reach audiences on multiple levels; it makes a great bedtime story, but will also fascinate children interested in life under the ocean and the extensive back matter will help parents and teachers answer questions from curious kids. A strong addition to collections of bedtime stories and storytime choices.

ISBN: 9781536224795; Reinforced/Picture book binding on B&T for $14.39
Published June 2024 by Candlewick; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to library

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